When everyone moves forward together, success takes care of itself.
The future is bright for Venture for Canada and our mission thanks mainly to the generosity of our funders and supporters.
In a rapidly and radically changing economy, youth need more entrepreneurial skills to succeed. Diversified investment in us by major institutional funders, family foundations, and private donors indicates interest in the systemic social change required to build a more prosperous and inclusive society.
To our funders: your backing has helped us grow the roots we need to continue to grow and scale our impact. Resourceful Canadians will overcome our country's most significant challenges through entrepreneurial skillsets and mindsets.
Thank you.



2021 Annual Giving Campaign donors
Funds raised through the Annual Giving Campaign directly support efforts to break down barriers to entrepreneurship by funding Scholarships for Fellows who are financially eligible due to high-debt or systemic barriers, including low-income backgrounds.